DAV Public School, Greyoh

Affiliated to C.B.S.E. New Delhi, Phone Number : 01905-278059, +91 9816251359

Guideline For Parents  
General Instruction For Teachers 
  • To report for duty in time and to record the exact time of arrival and departure in Staff Attendance Register on every working day.
  • To get the due sanction of the leave from the Principal before availing and also to observe the Leave Rules.
  • To be present in the morning assembly ground at least five minutes before the assembly bell goes.
  • To observe, instruct and help the students to maintain proper discipline and to participate actively in the morning assembly.
  • To check the uniform of the students of the class and record the uniform defaulters regularly.
  • To take the roll call of the students of the class and ensure that the same has been recorded in the attendance on Daily Attendance Register.
  • To maintain the Student’s Attendance Register properly. To submit them complete in all respects, to the Headmistress and Principal for checking alongwith the lists of uniform defaulters and absentees on the last working day of every month.
  • To utilize first few minutes of the first period to instruct the students regarding uniform, performance in morning assembly, class discipline, maintenance of students’ possessions, class –room furniture and school property, cleanliness of class-rooms, general manners, etiquettes and good habits.
  • To intimate properly the detailed weekly timetable to the students and parents and the change (if any).
  • To make a proper division of books/note books/work books and ask the students to bring them to the school as per instructions.
  • To make a proper and regular use of the Student’s Diary to assign home work and to communicate with the parents. To fill regularly the columns like-Home Work Not Done, Note Book Not Brought, Uniform Defaulters, Late Coming, Absentee Note etc.
  • To prepare and display the class time-table and class information chart in the class room.
  • To assign the home work regularly. To check and evaluate carefully and thoroughly all the class and home assignments. To put signatures with date after checking.
  • To instruct the students, especially the monitors to maintain proper discipline in the class-rooms as well as in the school.
  • To observe the conduct of every student and report to the Principal about naughty/mischievous/problems students.
  • Not to leave the classes unattended in any case.
  • To plan the teaching work in advance, consulting the syllabus and courses of studies meant for the class and teach the students as per guidelines and instructions issued there in and notified from time to time.
  • To give due importance to Oral Work, Handwriting, Reading, pronunciation etc.
  • To keep pace with the advancement in education and make a proper use of latest Teaching aids (Audio and Visual).
  • To consult the Dean, Academics or the Principal if there is any difficulty or problem regarding syllabus.
  • To submit the Teacher’s Diary with weekly teaching plan to the Principal for checking in the First period of the first working day of every week.
  • To enlist the difficulties concerning the coverage of the syllabi and record the necessary suggestions and recommendations for improvement.
  • To submit all the documents (lists, papers, reports, results etc.) after thorough checking by the stipulated date & time.
  • To report if a student is not feeling well or suffering from any ailment or infection.
  • To observe seriously and regularly the students in the spheres as per the proforma of Monthly Record of a scholar’s performance and fill the proformas on the last working day of every month in order to adjudge the ‘Best Student’ of the class/section.
  • To be present on the last working day of every month to discuss the performance, progress and problems of the students with their parents/guardians. Not to indulge in any sort of discussion with parents without permission in daily routine.
  • To collect the student’s possession/s left by them in the class-rooms, in the last period daily and return the same to the student’s concerned on the next day.
  • To avoid physical punishment to the student.
  • To inspire, motivate, persuade and guide the students.
  • To talk in English with students and colleagues in the school.
  • To make a careful reading of the notices/circulars/office-orders and to work accordingly.
  • To behave with the students/colleagues/parents as expected from teacher.
  • To perform the House duties and other special and additional duties as assigned sincerely, carefully and with utmost sense of responsibility, co-operation and co-ordination.
  • To make regular efforts to achieve the cherished aims and objectives of the school.
  • To make suggestions and proposals for betterment of the students and school.
  • Not to entertain the parents in the classes without permission of the Principal.
  • The week-end seminars are compulsory for every teacher. No leave would be sanctioned on that day.
  • To look into difficulties/disputes/problems of the students and efforts are to be made to resolve/solve the same and if needed the matter can be brought into the notice of the Headmistress/Principal.
  • Class-in-charge are to maintain proper record of leave applications of the students of their respective class.
  • To report the name/s of the long absentees (continuous absence without any sanction of leave for more than 10 days) in written to the Principal.
  • To report in the class-room as per the time table as soon as the period bell goes without any wastage of time.
  • To utilize the adjustment period/s in a very useful manner.
  • To guide, encourage, motivate, inspire, help and facilitate the students in their pursuits of studies & activities.
  • To enrich and refresh their knowledge by regular reading of extra reference books/Newspapers/magazines and other reading material.
  • To give special & personal attention to slow learners/physically handicapped/mentally retarded/naughty students and suggest remedial methods seeking co-operation of the parents for better performance and conduct.
  • To give general commands and instructions in English inside outside the class-room to improve the communicative skill of the students.
  • One period talk to students about the syllabus of each subject is to be given by each teacher as per term wise syllabus.
  • Not to allow the students to carry school bags to home (from class Nur. To IV).
  • Code Of Conduct 
  • The compliance of the following instructions is compulsory and any failure to do so may necessitate disciplinary action without prior notice. 
  • All students are expected to conduct themselves as worthy citizens at all times and in all places.
  • The school insists on strict punctuality, regularity, cleanliness in dress and personal hygiene, general grooming and fidelity towards study and assignments.
  • The students are to follow the instructions of the teachers and school authorities.    
  • Running, playing, shouting or any other disturbances not allowed in the school during school hours. The students are to play in the playgrounds only.
  • Any damage done to the school property, to its staff or any other student will have to be compensated for.     
  • As the medium of instruction in the .school is English, the students are required to converse in English with the staff and each-other as often as possible.
  • All students must pay due regard to the teachers in and outside the school, whether he/she teaches.
  • None of the students is allowed to bring mobiles or C.D.s (other than educational)) to school.                         
  • If a child behaves otherwise and does not respond to repeated guidance and instructions, He/she may be punished as a disciplinary measure. Should punishment fail to rectify the child the school authorities require the parents to withdraw their child from the School.
  • General Discipline 
  • It is mandatory for all the students to be in proper school uniform. Detailed information of the school uniform is given in the school diary.
  • Every student is expected to pay due regard to the teachers in and outside the school, whether he/she teaches them or not.
  • It is expected of the parents to respect all the school norms. In case of riotous behavior by any parent, authorities may be constrained to issue the Transfer Certificate to the Child.
  • No student will wear gold jewellery. School authorities will not be held responsible for any kind of loss.
  • If a child has any INFECTIOUS DISEASE, he/she will not be allowed to attend the Class/Examinations.
  • Use of motor vehicles/motorbikes/mobile phones/cameras, by the students is strictly prohibited.
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DAV Public School Greyoh

PO K.K. Gehra, Sub. Tehsil Tihra,

Dharmpur, Distt. Mandi(HP) 175026

Contact No : 01905-278059, +919816251359

Email: dav_greyoh01@yahoo.co.in

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